Friday, March 30, 2007

Security breach at UK e-commerce firm

Hackers have stolen information from at least 45.7 million payment cards used by customers of US retailer TJX, which owns TJ Maxx, and UK outlet TKMaxx. This was a major breach but it is claimed that the majority of the credit card info. stolen will be already out of date.
Even so, not very reassuring for their online customers!

Thursday, March 8, 2007


To develop and practice your English, in addition to the resources on the right hand side, you might also find these two sites of interest:

Portugal News newspaper, online version - general news about Portugal in brief (subscription is required for details)

Ig Noble Prize awards at Harvard University:

Flying frog.

A live frog is magnetically levitated. An experiment that earned André Geim from the University of Nijmegen and Sir Michael Berry from Bristol University the 2000 Ig Nobel Prize in physics.

Climate change alert

Portugal has been singled out as being one of the European countries that will suffer most from global warming. According to the Stern Review published in Britain this week, and which has gained international prominence since, unless urgent action is taken, Portugal is set to suffer more than most from global warming.
in Portugal News, 4/11/2006

Earlier growing season.

A study of the timing of leaf unfolding for four tree species shows that from 1969 to 1998 the beginning of the growing season has advanced by 8 days. The earlier leaf unfolding corresponds with increasing early spring temperatures over the last 30 years. The greatest warming occurred in Portugal, where average air temperatures in early spring (February to March) increased by nearly 1.1oF (0.6oC) per decade, and the beginning of the growing season has advanced by about 14 days since 1969. retrieved: 10/11/2006