Sunday, October 10, 2010

From IgNoble to Nobel

Interesting to see that André Geim, the scientist mentioned in one my first posts here for being awarded the Ignoble prize for improbable research, has now received the Nobel Prize for Physics for work on the properties of graphene. 

Here Geim explains how big business could prevent him from patenting graphene while here he talks about the serendipitous nature of the discovery.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bhopal explosion - convictions 25 years later

An Indian court has convicted 8 people from a chemical company decades after an explosion at the Union Carbide plant killed thousands.

The area is still somewhat contaminated although some say that it has potential as a world heritage tourist attraction because of its ancient rock paintings.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

YDreams, Canesta to join forces

YDreams have just gone into partnership with Silicon Valley company, Canesta, to combine Augmented Reality with "Electronic Perception" Technology .

Check the video

Thursday, May 20, 2010

João Magueijo – controversial cosmologist

Magueijo’s book, Faster Than The Speed of Light, which questions Einstein’s take on the speed of light, created something of a sensation when published a few years back.
Here he is on video explaining his work:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

English official for major national company

Adopting English is one part of Efacec's strategy which involves the implementation of a broad project of Cultural Change Management, based on four areas/projects: efaINmotion; efaEvolution (Behavioral / Cultural training); Efacec International Meeting and efaPI - English as the official company language.

In addition to its ambitious internationalization plans, it is interesting to note that the company is a sponsor of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva.

Storm over UK Papal visit brainstorm

Pope Benedict XVI

The Vatican has agreed to ignore the brainstorm which had been threatening to cloud a future papal visit to the UK after the The Foreign Office apologised over the leaked paper which said the Pope could bless a gay marriage or open an abortion clinic among other creative ideas.