Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Clean-out to start-up!

Interesting entrepreneurial story of Yuchun Lee, an MIT graduate who used maths to clean out Las Vegas casinos and now has a sucessful software company. His story is the subject of a recent film entitled "21":

Monday, April 14, 2008

"All I have to do is dream ... " and other breakthroughs

There have been a number of reported cases of creative inspiration and even scientific problem-solving while people were asleep. These examples range from Kekulé to Paul McCartney and various webpages have been devoted to the topic (some of them selling dream-related products)

Meanwhile a fairly recent paper from a researcher at Harvard Medical School aims to approach the topic in a more rigorous fashion:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Career management: wacky office?

If you like the idea of working in an office with a slide, a games room, a 'chill-out' aquarium and plenty of free food then you had better get your CV into Google Zurich according to a recent BBC item:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mobile phone future: Android, open source and Google ?

Interesting developments with the new open source operating system Android:

Will Google dominate this market also?
Might be a good thing for us consumers!